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Hay House, Inc.

New Additions to the Collection


What On Earth?:
Inside the Crop Circle Mystery

81 minutes, 2009
Includes a tribute to John Mack

If we can't account for crop circles as coming from human beings, where do they come from?
The answer could change the world!

Intricate designs in crops turn up in farmers' fields overnight. Although they have appeared throughout the world for many years, no one knows where they come from or why they arrive. For fifteen years, Suzanne Taylor has been part of a lively community of visionary artists, scientists, philosophers, geometers and farmers who are drawn to England by the circles every summer.

This documentary tracks her interactions with these "croppies" as they go circle-chasing, indulge in circle-analysis, and share why they are so fascinated by the phenomenon.

You can watch the trailer for the DVD here.



The Ledge of Quetzal, Beyond 2012:
A Magical Adventure to Discover the Real Promise of the Mayan Prophecy

Jock Whitehouse and Tom Knapp 2009

From the back cover: A fable about a successful American businessman suddenly confronted by personal crisis, who finds himself wandering the mystical terrain of southern Mexico, accompanied by some great sages of Mexican mythology who teach him how to survive the coming changes. What he discovers is that the end of the Mayan calendar does not signal the end of the world. It is an oppotunity, not a curse - a chance to literally co-create a new reality.

Growing Your Inner Light:
A Guide to Independent Spiritual Practice

Lara Owen 2009

From the back cover: This comprehensive guide for creating daily spiritual practice offers tangible advice on developing a unique spiritual path that fits exactly who you are, what you need as a spiritual being, and how you want to live.
Integrate different traditions and develop new ones. This groundbreaking, transformative journey leads through thirteen phases of your growth, including developing intuition; creating sacred spaces and altars; understanding your dreams; exploring the importance of retreats, meditation, and rituals.

Shop Class as Soulcraft:
An Inquiry Into the Value of Work

Matthew B. Crawford 2009

A book on the morality and metaphysics of practical, hands-on manual labor and expertise. A study of the value of craftsmanship, written by a philosophical theorist and practicing mechanic.

Transformative New Thoughts:
For a Delightful, Joy-Filled New Reality

Jeoffrey R. Hutcherson, 2009

From the back cover:
In a time when we are desperately seeking harmony, Transformative New Thoughts provides a true recipe for joy. This book will not only change your perception of life, but will also result in a deeper understanding, empathy and compassion for people, the planet and yourself. It is a book for everyone - the initiate as well as those still under the power of the illusion of life. It's a book designed to awaken human consciousness.

The Sacred Center:
The Ancient Art of Locating Sanctuaries

John Michell, 2009

From the Back Cover:
Symbols of ritual centers are among the most persistent elements of myth and belief between cultures widely separated in time and space. Every tribe and state had its “generation center,” a sacred area within its heartland where its legendary founders gave birth to its people and established their laws. Within the inner sanctum of the sanctuary was an altar or pillar, the omphalos or navel stone, that marked the midpoint of the home territory and represented the world-pole on which everything revolved. It was the focus of a perpetual cycle of rituals and festivals that passed with the seasons around the country and held its people under the spell of a golden age.

In this book John Michell reveals the precise methods by which the ancients located the appropriate centers and adopted them as sanctuaries. The same principles of ritual geography in the siting of Akhenaten’s capital in Egypt and Megalopolis in classical Greece apply also to the traditional centers of small territories and islands. The rediscovery of these sites--such as the spot at the center of Ireland where the Celtic High Kings were installed--sheds new light on the ritualized order of prehistoric societies and the sacred, scientific code on which they were founded. These revelations from the distant past are of great significance in present times, for in them are the secrets of harmony on every scale, from the personal to the universal. Restoring the sacred center to its former place of prominence offers the possibility of a renaissance of human culture, ideally centered upon the image of a perfectly ordered Cosmos.

Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are:
The Esoteric Meaning of the Monuments on Mars

Bob Frissell Brett Lilly, 1994

If conventional explanations of life don’t make much sense to you, the ideas in this book might. Here is an accout of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness, a big-screenview of the eath drama through the experience of the acended master, thoth, Babaji, and a playful witness-guide from the 13th dimentsion, Drunvalo Melchizedek.

Handbook of Regular Patterns
An Introduction to Symmetry in Two Dimensions
By Peter S. Stevens
MIT University Press, 1984

This handbook starts with the simple symmetry of mirror reflections, m rotations, translations, and glide reflectorion, builds to the oint groups and the seven distinct band or linear arrays, and culminates in the seventeen full-fledge wallpaper patterns.

Vibrational Healing Through The Chakras
With Light, Color, Sound, Crystals, and Aromatherapy
Joy Gardner-Gordon

Up-to-date information on the ability of vibrational tools to help the body remember its own harmonic resonance. Explore the use of color, crystal, essential oils, light, an sound. This ind-depth look at vibrational healith is a scientific, historica and practical guide for people interestes in imporvingtheir onw health as well as those who want to become practicions.ers.

Forbidden Archeology
The Hidden History of the Human Race
Cremo, Michael A.

Written primarily for the layman, this book provides a cirtical review of evidence relevant to human evolution. In addition, the book serves as a valueabel resource of forgotten literature, usually not easily accessible.
This book examines evidence of advanced human civilizations hundreds of thousands of years ago, evidence ignored and hidden by mainstream academics.

Extraterrestrial Archaeology
Incredible Proof We Are Not Alone
By David Hatcher Childress

Comprehensive book of photographs, drawing sand maps, view the astounding evidence that other planets were inhabited in the past, and are still inhabited today.
Using official NASA and Russian photos, as well as telescopic photos to establish that intelligent life exists outside our planet.

Pattern of the Past
By Guy Underwood

My Search for Radionic Truths
with Possibilities of Acceptance By Science and Medicine
by Murray R. Denning

This book represents 25 years of study by Mr. Denning.

Stranger Than Science
by Frank Edwards

A news analyst and commentator in mid-century America, Edwards has researched some of the strangest stories, and gathered them together in this volume. Documented stored with multiple witnesses of strange creatures and strange events.

Golden Dawn Enochian Magic
(Llewellyn's High Magick Series)
by Pat Zalewski

Zalewski compiles a sourcebook of drawings, tables, rituals associated with the Enochian mysteries, referencing the work of John Dee, Renaissance court astrologer

The Vortex of Life
Nature's Pattern in Space and Time
By Lawrence Edwards

Edwards’ research indicates that there are universal laws, not yet fully understood, which guide an organism's growth into predetermined paterns. Edwards examines the influence of celestialmotion on the form of platns, embryos, the heart and other organs. Written for the non-specialist, with a detailed appendix.