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Power of the Soul:
Inside Wisdom for an Outside World
- by John Holland

240 pages.
Publisher: Hay House.

Donated to Library by the author John Holland

Reviewed by Stephanie Merchant

Whether you're striving to better understand your intuitive process or looking for a book to suggest to a friend who may be starting the journey toward understanding their own spiritual gifts, John Holland's latest book The Power of the Soul may be just the ticket.

Holland, though known for his significant mediumship talents, goes in a more universal direction of helping people listen to their own souls with his fourth book. In some ways this book to a certain degree does for the Intuitive Acceptance process what Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way did for the creative process. Both are excellent tools to help you reach within to touch the world in the way only you can!

You needn't have hours at a time to give Holland's book. You can give the book 15 - 20 min here and there and pick up where you left off without missing a beat. The book is brimming with small exercises and insights that can be applied to real life.

I lent my copy of this book to a friend going through a bit of an artistic block and it helped him so much that he couldn't stop thanking me. My friend felt it helped him be still, to approach a deeper wellspring of creativity.

Dogma light - Easy to understand - and in touch with our modern lives, this book and its author hit a high note with Power of the Soul! For those who like this book; of interesting note is a statement John Holland made at his last speaking event in Seattle - He made a comment that he keeps finding himself drawn over and over to the area. So if you like the book - you just might get to see the man talk live in Seattle some time soon.

John Holland's other books include: Born Knowing: A Medium's Journey - Accepting and Embracing My Spiritual Gifts, 101 Ways to Jump Start Your Intuition and Psychic Navigator: Harnessing Your Inner Guidance. The Seattle Metaphysical Library currently only has in it's collection Power of the Soul. Holland currently has his own weekly radio “Spirit Connection with John Holland” that runs Mondays 12- 1 pm PST on Hay House Radio online.